POP SEO Tip #11: How to Create SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

If you are using Wordpress, Weebly, Wild Apricot, or another platform with a built in blog function, you’ve likely already taken more than a few steps to ensure that your on-site optimization is up to snuff. However, on-site optimization is an ongoing battle, and you’ll need to pay close attention to it as you add more and more content to your blog. In order to make sure that your on-site optimization remains as effective as it can be, follow these tips for crafting blog posts that are SEO friendly.

  • Title: In addition to explaining what your post is about, be sure that you’ve included the relevant keywords in your blog post titles.
  • URL: The URL for any blog post should be identical to the page’s title, which, as mentioned, should include the relevant keyword or keywords.
  • Body Content: When writing the content of your blog posts, make sure that you including your relevant keywords naturally and not over often. Generally speaking, your blog posts should be 300 words or longer. Finally, make sure your blog posts are formatted with an eye toward readability, and that you break up longer posts with subheadings.
  • Tags: Using tags for your blog posts is always a good idea, just be sure that you’re not overdoing it, and that you’re not using tags that are irrelevant to the post’s topic.
  • Images: Search engines can’t look at the content of your images, but they can read their alt tags, so make sure that you’re including them.
  • Internal Links: Including internal links within your posts that lead to other posts on your blog is a good idea. However, be sure that the two posts are thematically linked to one another.

Most importantly, make sure that you’re keeping your blog current, as regular posting is one of the most important things driving any blog’s SEO efficacy. Also, remember that it takes around 30 posts before search engines notice your blog.


